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Online Self Study of the Runes

  • 60 Days
  • 13 Steps


This class is geared towards all individuals who are being called to the Runic path for a deeper and more personal look, but would like to navigate their own timing . **This class is required before any student can proceed with the deeper training in the Northern Shamanic Studies class or one must convey their runic knowledge to my satisfaction. ONLINE Class Details: Six pre-recorded sessions with journeys RUNIC STUDY CLASS OVERVIEW: Each class covers four runes, which will include journeying, explanation, interpretation and history of each. Each block of eight Runes are called Aett's. • Class 1 Runes 1-4: The first four runes are in Freya’s Aett – The Norse goddess of Love, Magic, Beauty, Sex and Death. • Class 2 Runes 5-8: Finish Freya's Aett. • Class 3 Runes 9-12: We begin Heimdall’s Aett – Heimdall is the gatekeeper of the gods, he watches over the bridge from Midgard (middle earth) to Asgard the home of the Gods • Class 4 Runes 13-16: Continued study with the remaining Heimdall's Aett. • Class 5 Runes 17 - 20: Tyr’s Aett – Tyr is the noble god of Justice and Truth. He is committed to standing up for what is the right and protecting the weak at any cost. • Class 6 : Runes 21- 24: Finish the final four of Tyr’s Aett Questions can be submitted to Jeremy in between class content explored. At the end of the six-session course, individuals will register for a 30-minute session to discuss the runes and specific questions in person.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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