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The Quest: The Magick of Avalon
The Initiation
The power of the magical weaving presents itself within each of the Three Yearly Initiations. In this space, we recognize that we are all wounded and we need to start from where we are and weave a golden thread through the fabric of our reality. Together we witness the synergy rise to support us all, as we learn to meet the new world in the wholeness of love and sovereignty. Here we begin to understand the riddles and weaving of life. Through the integration of the stories, we experience our own healing and experience revelations to how we have arrived at this place in time. Herein lies the magick and miracles this community holds.
Join us on A Quest in the discovery of the Magick of Avalon. We being with a seven session series into the stories of the ancestors. These stories along with guidance shared from the runes, will open the doorways to a deeper understanding of self, our ancestors, and the land.

*Initiations are offered four times per year, following the Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year: Imbolc, Beltane, Mabon, Samhain. Following Initiations, individuals will have the opportunity to deepen within the study of the Elder Futhark Runes. Retreats are offered

during the Litha and Yule, the summer and winter solstices.

A Quest: Initiation

Begins August 19th

9am pst / 12pm est, 5pm GMT

Price is £420
(see details below)

The Initiation is a seven-week course, meeting on Sunday's (each lasting 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours)  with Jeremy RJ White and Kelli Lair online via Zoom.


Class Dates: Sunday October 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th*, November 6th, 13th & 20th

Class Time: 7pm GMT/11am PST *exception: October 30th time will be 6pm GMT / 11am PST due to time change

In this sacred container, we will explore the following: 

Learning the ancient stories and activating your dormant DNA 

Tapping into and training your magical intuitive abilities

Journeying with the runes in visions quests led by the stories of a time long gone by

Each member will receive a specific rune, that relates to the energies they will be working during our time together. Working with the energies of the stories told by Jeremy and Kelli, we discuss the importance of understanding our ancestral DNA, and why working with the ancient stories assists us in alchemizing the experiences of the past. Here, we acknowledge both the sacredness of the divine masculine and divine feminine, both within ourselves and in our lives and in connection with the mother, Gaia. We provide a container for everyone to show up as they are, in their truth wielding their own sense of magick.
Price is £420
  • "Individual Registrant": pay £420 in full or with register for two payments of £210 
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