“I am the White bear of the North descended from the Lords of Afalach, land guardian of the sacred Tor.
Healer to some, Oracle to others, shaman of my people and rider of the Golden Dragon.
But more than these titles, I am Odin's man. He dwells in my blood and in my heart, he speaks through my voice.
I am the vessel that allows him to guide, teach and heal in this, my time.”
I am Vitki, a Norse medicine man, priest, and shaman. I follow the path of Odin in everything I do and use the Elder Futhark Runes as my guide. I am honored to speak his words, to teach his wisdom, and use his magic the modality of healing. This is my purpose, and as a Vitki, I allow people to connect with this divine source, to find magick and healing through the exploration of the unseen.
As a shaman, my roles are to listen to questions, find answers, teach, guide, and always hold a space of protection and trust.
Even as a child, I remembered Celtic and Norse tales, speaking them at will with clarity and knowing. Today, as a land guardian, that knowledge has come full circle as I lead people on journeys of self-discovery; through time, to our ancestors and their history on Earth. I am honoured to be the medicine man at the corner of the village, a teacher who knows the old ways—those simple, yet profound and magical ways—that lead others to great transformations.
I walk the land, read the runes, and use shamanic skills to allow healing. I tell the old stories and I draw back the veil upon the enchanted realm. I open doorways to provide a glimpse of the reality that there is something more.
It is important for you to know that I can heal, but I am not a healer; I can read, but I am not a reader. I guide individuals toward their own healings and self-readings.

I am a Cosmonian, a weaver and builder of timelines and possibilities. Each thread of existence, begins as a particle, a fractal, a harmonic of potentiality. Our understanding and embracing of our own Universal signature helps to propel us forward. Each individual codex gives a baseline for our navigational tools to our internal North Star. As Alchemists, we can become the master of that voyage.
Through my years of personal study and experience, I have forged my own path. By navigating the layers of the multiverse through shamanic journeying, astral travel, silence, breath work and a deep connection and study of the Northern Cosmology, the gateways to the multidimensionality of the cosmos opened to me. The runes as it turns out, are the keys opening the doorways of other realms.
Here, in The Northern Gateway, I am a weaver of this sacred container. Together, the threads of possibility are shown to us through connection, trust, truth and the integrity of being in a sacred space. We begin to dive into the fabric of life, understanding of the stepping stones of our stories, the gifts of our ancestors, and deciphering the riddles so that weaving the future is supported with possibilities, understanding and Grace.
It is my honour to share this journey with you.