The Lady returns to the land, Bluebells are scattered across the forest floor in a spectacular woodland display, in the joy of new life. The Faerie Queen stirs from her slumber, ready to go about her task of healing and renewal upon the soil of Avalon.

Gwynn ap Nudd; he too is excited, even though his role as Winter King is coming to an end. His love, Creddilad, returns and he will get to glimpse her for a short brief moment, after doing combat with his rival Gwythir, for he too loves the Summer Queen. This is the dance of the seasons that has played out in Avalon for thousands of years.
Each year the locals, Shamans, Druids, Goddesses and Morris Men herald the rising of the Sun over the Somerset Levels, with singing and dancing at the top of Glastonbury Tor. This year may be different with the ghost of Covid still haunting us, but the Spiritual Warriors are a hardy breed, and I am sure they will face the dark, the damp and the cold to join me on the summit to welcome the Summer Queen home and bid “Sleep well” to her lover.
This ritual of thanks has seen war, pestilence, and plague, and still continued. We may not have the Red and White dragons holding their annual procession (or will we?) but the Medicine Men and women of Inis Widren will still hold court and say their prayers. It is our solemn duty, it is our role in the scheme of things, it is who we are.

Avalon exists in the hearts of all, so as the Sun rises on May 1st, let go of the Winter and feel the rays of the sun shining in your heart. Close your eyes, breathe in, and imagine yourself in Avalon jumping the Beltane fires, cleansing your aura, and leaving the past behind. Call in your connection to Spirit, be in service of the Land, Gods and Ancestors, and dedicate the healing season to them and work in that glorious light that shines from within you. That pure and gentle light which also adds to the great beacon fires of AVALON and shines bright in a dark World.

Beltane Blessings to you all.